







用户同意此在线注册条款之效力如同用户亲自签字、盖章的书面条款一样,对用户具有法律约束力。 只有用户完全同意所有服务条款并完成注册程序,才能成为天美(中国)网站的正式会员用户。本注册条款自用户注册成功之日起在用户与天美(中国)之间产生法律效力。


第一条 提供个人信息

1-1 用户承诺并保证自己是具有完全民事行为能力和完全民事权利能力的自然人、法人、实体和组织。用户在此保证所填写的用户信息是真实、准确、完整、及时的,并且没有任何引人误解或者虚假的陈述,且保证天美(中国)可以通过用户所填写的联系方式与用户取得联系。




第二条 邮件通知



第三条 会员身份确认

3-1 用户注册成功后将得到一个用户名和密码,用户凭用户名和密码享受天美(中国)向其会员用户提供的产品和服务。

3-2 用户将对用户名和密码安全负全部责任,并且用户对以其用户名进行的所有活动和事件负全责。用户可以随时修改密码。

3-3 用户若发现任何非法使用用户帐号或存在安全漏洞的情况,请立即通告天美(中国)。


第四条 服务条款的修改和服务体系修订



第五条 用户的权利和义务

5-1 用户有权利使用自己的用户名和密码随时登录天美(中国)网站访问需要的资源。




第六条 天美(中国)的权利和义务






6-2 天美(中国)有权利对用户进行审查并决定是否接受用户成为天美(中国)会员。

6-3 天美(中国)保留在用户违反国家、地方法律法规规定或违反本在线注册条款的情况下终止为用户提供服务并终止用户帐号的权利,并且在任何情况下,天美(中国)对任何间接、偶然、特殊及继起的损害不负责任。


第七条 服务的终止

7-1 用户有权随时申请终止其会员资格。



第八条 争议解决及法律适用

8-1 因本服务条款有关的一切争议,双方当事人应通过友好协商方式解决。如果协商未成,双方同意向天美(中国)主要经营地的人民法院起诉。

8-2 本注册条款的效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律法规和计算机、互联网行业的规范。


第九条 不可抗力

9-1 因不可抗力或者其他意外事件,使得本条款履行不可能、不必要或者无意义的,遭受不可抗力、意外事件的一方不承担责任。

9-2 不可抗力、意外事件是指不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或双方当事人造成重大影响的客观事件,包括但不限于自然灾害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行和风暴等以及社会事件如战争、动乱、政府行为等。

9-3 用户同意鉴于互联网的特殊性,黑客攻击、互联网连通中断或者系统故障等属于不可抗力,由此给用户或者第三方造成的损失不应由天美(中国)承担。





Himac-Orange 149 –Efficient separation of adenoviruses using multi-step mode – Micro Ultracentrifuge

In 1953, adenoviruses were first isolated in human adenoids (from which the name is derived), and have been widely used ever since. Adenoviruses are known to be medium-sized (90 to 100 nm), nonenveloped icosahedral viruses which composed of a nucleocapsid and a double-stranded linear DNA genome. And the virus is composed of around 1 million amino acid residues and weights around 150 MDa. The technique by adenoviruses to analyze mammalian cells was developed recently. Therefore adenoviruses are now widely used.

A cesium chloride density-gradient sedimentation equilibrium method using a swinging bucket rotor is utilized to refine adenovirus particles.

This method dissolves cesium chloride crystal into a virus suspension to form a solution of homogeneous concentration, centrifuges the solution, and then forms a density gradient solution by centrifugal force. Also called a "self-forming" method, the empty particles of adenoviruses are removed by this method based on difference in the density. The buoyant density of adenovirus particles in the cesium chloride solution are known to be 1.34 g/ml and that of empty particles 1.30 g/ml.

This method must satisfy the following two points:

(1) To get an equilibrium state of the density gradient solution (In case of conventional method, it takes too much time to get an equilibrium state.); and

(2) To keep the separation band of adenovirus particles away from the separation band of the empty virus particles (via the centrifugation at a relatively low speed).

Therefore, in case of the conventional method, adenovirus sample is centrifuged with a relatively low speed and long time by means of a swinging bucket rotor.

Rotor: P55ST2 swinging bucket rotor (5 ml, 6 buckets) or equivalent

Speed: 35,000 rpm (Maximum RCF: 148,000 xg)

Time: 20 hours

According to the investigation by our calculation, it is possible to shorten the separation time by means of a fixed angle rotor for micro ultracentrifuges and the multi-step mode keeping the maintaining a distance between the adenovirus band and the empty virus band, even at higher rotor speed. As the result, this method will be expected to separate adenoviruses by about one-third of the separation time in the conventional method.


Rotor: S110AT fixed angle rotor (5 ml, 8 cavities)

Speed and Time

110,000 rpm: 2.5 hours

90,000 rpm: 1 hour

80,000 rpm: 1 hour

52,000 rpm: 2.5 hours

Temperature: 4°C

Acceleration: 9 (Maximum acceleration)

Deceleration: 7 (Rather slowly)

Tube: 5PA seal tube

Sample preparation

Per one tube (5PA seal tube)

Virus suspension: 4.47 ml (Buffering solution: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH8.1)

Cesium chloride: 2.36 g

Completely dissolve cesium chloride in the virus suspension and move the solution into each 5PA seal tube. If any tube is not filled with the solution, prepare more solution (by dissolving 1 g of cesium chloride into 1.9 ml of the above buffer solution) and then add it to the tube needing to be filled up.

There are two types of micro ultracentrifuges: the floor-standing type (CS-GXII series: CS150GXII and CS120GXII) and the tabletop type (CS150NX). You can use either type.



Micro Ultracentrifuge


Fixed Angle Rotor


CS150NX Tabletop

Micro Ultracentrifuge

Product Info: Himac CS150NX Tabletop Micro Ultracentrifuge

Note: CS-GXII series is old model.  Current model is CS150NX, CS150FNX

Online reading